Philosophy/Teaching and Learning Statement

At Portobelo we believe in:

  • the power of play - this is children's work, and how they learn.
  • learning how to learn - finding out how to find things out.
  • self-control for success - this means learning how to wait, take turns, and cope with getting things wrong, and also that it's ok not being good at everything. Knowing how to control impulses (and wait) is a proven predictor of success in later life
  • being friends and making friends - how to get on with others. This skill is so important for happiness.
  • safe risks - give things a go/try new things - and it's OK to climb trees here!
  • green time, not screen time - get outside into nature!
  • teaching and learning together - we are all always learning from each other. We don't 'silo' children into separate age rooms
  • home away from home with kiwi backyard - small group sizes and natural environment.
  • relationships - he tangata , he tangata , he tangata - getting to know families [who trust us with their children]. Knowing each other.
  • creating citizens of the world - respecting others and acknowledging their beliefs and cultures and differences. Trying to get along with everyone.
  • Learning about the wider world around us.